If you are in Network Marketing (MLM) and you got laid off here's why...
You have, for such a long time annoyed your co-workers with your business pitch...
Your boss has probably asked you to knock it off...
You are just following the direction of your upline and doing what you are told...
After all, the training was awesome last night and jobs suck right?
Well guess who will be the first to get laid off when things are slow?
You will, they have heard from your friends and supervisors that you're making money...
So your boss figures that you may be ok without your job...
The only problem is, you were trying to fake it until you make it...
And you aren't making a dime...
But now what? Your boss seems to think you don't need your job...
And besides, he wants his employees to be hungry so they'll work hard...
You don't have to put yourself in that situation...
There is a better way to build your team without getting laid off...
Look, truth be told, you may be making more money at your job than some stage leaders..
I know I was, The worse way to build your business is in survival mode...
Your family deserves more than that...
If you have a job, you can use some of that money to build...
Without a job, you are viewed by prospects as needy anyway...
Build your team from home, put your computer to work...
Look, visit my site, sign in and I will send you 28 FREE lessons...
These lessons are what made me STOP THE MADNESS...
You have, for such a long time annoyed your co-workers with your business pitch...
Your boss has probably asked you to knock it off...
You are just following the direction of your upline and doing what you are told...
After all, the training was awesome last night and jobs suck right?
Well guess who will be the first to get laid off when things are slow?
You will, they have heard from your friends and supervisors that you're making money...
So your boss figures that you may be ok without your job...
The only problem is, you were trying to fake it until you make it...
And you aren't making a dime...
But now what? Your boss seems to think you don't need your job...
And besides, he wants his employees to be hungry so they'll work hard...
You don't have to put yourself in that situation...
There is a better way to build your team without getting laid off...
Look, truth be told, you may be making more money at your job than some stage leaders..
I know I was, The worse way to build your business is in survival mode...
Your family deserves more than that...
If you have a job, you can use some of that money to build...
Without a job, you are viewed by prospects as needy anyway...
Build your team from home, put your computer to work...
Look, visit my site, sign in and I will send you 28 FREE lessons...
These lessons are what made me STOP THE MADNESS...
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