Monday, December 8, 2008

5 Deadly Mistakes Made By New MLM Distributors

I can start by saying that New MLM distributors make a lot more then 5 mistake, but these are the 5 deadliest.

Mistake #1

New MLM distributors make the mistake of getting caught up in the hype. I made this mistakes, I thought that I was getting in to make money, but I found myself doing everything except making money. I was a cheerleader, a preacher, an usher, an event coordinator, a sound technician, a maintenance engineer, I was a bus driver, oh yeah I was also a waiter. I was caught in the revival(LOL). It may be funny now but back then it was a nightmare. Many new MLM distributors think that this business is church.

You must remember that this is business and that your spouse is not home watching the kids for you to attend a not for profit event. Stop being used by all these so called leaders and start building your MLM business. Make sure that if you are still attending these hotel meetings you do so with the right mindset, and with guests.

Mistake #2

New MLM distributors make the mistake of over studying before taking action, if they ever take action at all. I also made this mistake..(I’m sorry, I made many ok.) I got my PHD before making a dime in this industry. I had enough credits to graduate from U.S.C(LOL). I read every book, attended every seminar, bought every CD before making a single call.

Avoid this mistake by all means necessary. It is crucial to study but in the words of Mary Beard “Action without study is fatal, study without action is futile”. Even the Bible says “faith without works is dead”

Mistake #3

New MLM distributors make the mistake of building their upline and not themselves. This is how you lose your downlines, the minute your GURU decides to change programs your team that is already following him or her(thanks to your great work of edifying) will follow them and leave you like a bride on her wedding day.

We edify our upline to the point that we become irrelevant. We forget to establish ourselves as leaders. In this business, the only way to build big is to become an established leader. Make sure that you are working on yourself and that you conduct your own calls, webinars and mastermind events. Your team needs to see you as a leader.

Mistake #4

Another mistake made by new MLM distributors is, leading with their MLM program. If new distributors would only know that everyone is numb to the MLM lingo. The same old thing by every different company, same lines same DVDs same story. All MLM companies have the same company creating their sales tools. All companies are claiming the same thing, all distributors are taught the same thing and you know what? People see you coming a mile away.

So stop pitching like Nolan Ryan and get with the times. MLM masters are leading with a funded proposal. A funded proposal is an inexpensive informational product that serves your target market and creates cashflow for your future advertising.

Mistake #5

And here is the deadliest of them all, are you ready? New MLM distributors do not give themselves enough time to learn this business. They are in a hurry to fail, in a hurry to prove to themselves that their initial gut feeling was right, that this was too good to be true. Look it’s going to take time to succeed but it would take the rest of your life to fail. It may take you 1 or 2 or even 5 years to succeed but it would take you the rest of your life to fail.

Do yourself a favor, make yourself the promise that you will finish what you started, that you will not give in to your own defeated thought patterns, that you will grow as a person, as a leader and that you will master this industry.

Become a student of Personal Development and COWBOY up!

Until the next one, take care and take charge.